The centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Baha comes this year. It is with this special occasion in mind, that a group of three individuals from Gwalior started a daily devotional program via online medium on the 8th of June 2020.
This was the time when the pandemic was on the rise and people around the world were looking for refuge and a place where they could find spiritual and mental support. As of today when the centenary celebrations are just around the corner the daily devotionals have completed over 500 days through the past one and half year. This has been a historic journey in itself for there has not been a single day when the devotions have not been organised.

The journey began with a few individuals and later grew to around 25 individuals from India as well as a few friends outside India who started to attend this devotionals on a daily basis.
These devotionals have proved to be a soul food for all those who have been connected to it. At one end while daily prayers were happening, special events were also organised which included deepening sessions on the various writings such as The Station of Abdul Baha, Secret of Divine Civilization and Kitab-I-Iqan, The Bahai Electoral Process etc.
The devotions also included special prayers sessions such as chanting of Is There Any Remover of Difficulties a 1000 Times on three occasions, 1000 chant of Ya Allahul Mustaghath and a 36 hour non stop vigil for global recovery from the pandemic. The devotional group also took cognisance of friends who ascended to the Abha Kingdom and organized special prayer services.